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Semen Facts!

Let us destigmatize masturbation.

Damn! 200 mL of semen is a lot to ingest!

Let us look at some crazy semen myths that were popularized:

  • Havelock Ellis, a famous sexologist, was told by his doc that the wet dreams he was having during puberty was symptomatic of impending blindness, insanity and death. Medical doctors during his time believed that nocturnal emissions of semen was caused by Gonorrhea.

  • In 1700s, it was believed that conception was the result of seminal vapors: fertilization occurred upon the release of gas and fumes emitted from the ejaculated semen

  • Preformationism/Preformism refers to the idea that all organisms that have existed or do exist or will exist, were created at the same time. Nicholaas Hartsoeker and his colleagues termed the homuncules: referring to the tiny humans crouched inside a tiny ball/sperm.

  • Aristotle claimed that the warmer the semen, more the possibility of a male offspring. The more passionate the male during sex, higher the chances of birthing a male. According to Aristotle, females were a resultant of less passionate sex, cooler environments and/or cold uterus, that overpowered the hot semen destined to become a male.

  • The Etoro of Papua, New Guinea believe that you aren't born with semen but acquire it from the Elders by fellating them. It is a tradition, a rite of passage beginning around age 7.

  • In China, Jing or sexual energy is to be harnessed and accumulated. Masturbation and ejaculation shortens your lifespan.

And the saga of semen stained sheets continue.

-Kristy Berridge


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